Introducing The Pullets

Hello Friends!

Thought I would introduce you to some of our pullets!  Below is a picture of my kids chickens, we have, *Buffy* the Buff Orpington, *Honey* the Easter Egger, *Dolly Parton* the Isa Brown, *Simba* a Red Sex Link I believe (my daughter’s favorite movie is The Lion King) and *Boo Boo Chicken* a Rhode Island Red I believe, Simba and Boo Boo Chicken came from Tractor Supply in a bin labeled “Red Pullets” which were a combination of RIR, New Hampshire Reds and Red Sex Links.  The dog in the back ground is one of our dogs *Cherokee*

On this particular day, the weather was beautiful so I locked up the other chickens so the pullets could spread their wings and have some “playtime” in the run.  We currently have them in a “playpen” while the others get used to them.  Keeping them in a “playpen” allows introduction to go a bit smoother.  The others can see and hear them but not pick on them.  As the weather warms a little more, I will slowly start allowing them to be together, providing lots of distractions to keep everyone busy as the pullets ease their way into the flock.  What methods do you use to introduce new members into your existing flock?

The Pullets