Keeping Chickens Cool Part 2

Heat Exhaustion – Heat exhaustion is common in large breed chickens; watch them closely in hot weather. Signs of heat exhaustion include: excessive panting, breathing with their mouth open, drooping head, listlessness and collapse. At the first sign of heat exhaustion, get the chicken inside immediately and put a fan on low, as birds can go into shock and die quickly. Mist the chicken lightly with cool water to help bring their body temperature down. Keep your bird quiet and calm and do not handle any more than necessary, avoid any added stress.  Offer cool water with added electrolytes to help with dehydration.  If after you’ve done the above and there is no improvement within a short time, contact your veterinarian.

The picture is of my Delaware Grace, a large breed chicken.  She is not very tolerant of the heat, she is the one that I keep a close eye on when the temps outside rise high during the summer months.  She was very uncomfortable this afternoon so I brought her inside to cool her down a bit.

Cooling Down “Grace”