Creative Way to Store Kitchen Scraps for Feed Later

I’m sure most of you save your kitchen scrapes and feed them to the various farm animals you have, but have you ever considered storing them for later use?

Since it is canning season and we don’t have pigs, fruit and veggie scrapes is something I end up with an abundance of.  So I decided I would start putting the scrapes thru the food processor and then freezing the puree in ice cube trays for later use or as frozen treats on these really hot days of summer for the chickens, quail and ducks.

Below is a picture of an example.  This is what I did with all the ends of those green beans I processed the other day.  I simply put them in the food processor with a little water and 30 seconds later, I was scooping into ice cube trays some very yummy treats for the chickens!  Once frozen I simply put the cubes in freezer bags and label “chicken feed.”

I did the same thing with all the tomato waste from making sauce and the mushy blueberries that weren’t good to freeze and etc. etc.

When working in the kitchen I try to not let anything go in the trash!

Minced green bean ends in ice cube trays