Zoey’s Only Girl at 47 days old, born 11/3/2023. Ready for the world.Zoey’s Only Girl Front 47 days old.Zoey’s Only Girl Stack 47 days old.Zoey’s Yellow Boy 47 days old.Zoey’sYellow Boy Front 47 days old.Zoey’s Yellow Boy Stack 47 days old.Zoey’s Green Boy 47 days old. Mr. Handsome.Zoey’s Green Boy Front 47 days old.Zoey’s Green Boy Stack 47 days old.Zoey’s Red Boy 47 days old.Zoey’s Red Boy Front 47 days old.Zoey’s RedBoy Stack 47 days old.
Email [email protected] for more information. Breed / Show Inquiries welcome.
1Yellow Boy Micheal 5 weeks old. I love to have my picture taken!Only Girl Heather 5 weeks old. Precious personified.Green Boy Jason 5 weeks old. Snuggle expert.Red Boy Freddy 5 weeks old. Ready for my close up!
email – [email protected] for more information. Buhunds are the best Family/Farm dog ever.